CAO Offers Don’t Define Us
CAO offers are out and it can be hard to remember that CAO offers don’t define us when you are in the midst of that time of life.
Pressure on Leaving Certificate students is immense
We all experience pressure and stress many times during life but Leaving Certificate pressure is unique. It is often the first major life change in a person’s life with education in one school finishing, possibly moving location geographically is on the horizon, friends changing, new beginnings, trying to figure out financial resources – the list is endless – and all within the one month of August!
Secondary schools have traditionally veered students towards third level institutions via CAO. This isn’t the only route for students and finally, educators are starting to realise that. The government finally understand how important apprenticeships are.
Other options are available
Other options exist such as Post Leaving Certificate courses, professional on the job training in areas such as banking, insurance etc, entering the work force and studying third level courses on a part-time basis or indeed studying in locations across the EU.
With over half of Irish graduates regretting doing their degree, it is time we opened our eyes to the plethora of options available to students. Various options which will allow people achieve their career aspirations.
Few of us know what we want to do at Leaving Certificate
With career changes happening more frequently, often most adults still don’t know what they want to do! That is ok. We live in a more versatile and changing world. We adapt with it and our careers will adapt throughout our lives too. With this flexible working environment, we need to realise it is ok to be flexible about learning options too.
There is no need to worry
Whatever choice any Leaving Certificate student makes this summer, there is no need to worry. Choices can be changed and often our chosen career finds us rather than us seeking it out. For those who may wish to figure out how they might achieve their goals and want to know what the job market is like in general, get in touch with us as Aspire Recruitment. We are happy to help!