Is It Time for Me to Change Jobs?

Job Seeking is Time Consuming

Take into account formatting and presenting a CV, discussing with the recruiter, interview preparation at interview selection stage, attendance at interview (and possibly a second and a third), psychometric testing, reference checks, offer consideration and possibly negotiation – all of this often when one is currently in a full-time, demanding position. Sometimes, several application processes can be ongoing concurrently to make it even more complicated!

Deciding to Find a New Job Can be a Big Decision

The decision to look for a new role when already in one, is rarely made lightly.

Moving from a secure permanent role to a new one contains some risk; minimal but it is still there.  It is worth taking the time to analyse the reasons for wanting to move before ever making that move.

This Approach Sounds Simple but it is Probably the Most Effective Approach

  • Take thirty minutes in a quiet space at a time you won’t be disturbed
  • Have two sheets of paper in front of you
  • List the pros and cons of staying where you are on one sheet and list out the pros and cons of moving to a new role on the second sheet.  Be as objective as possible and stick to the facts of the two scenarios.
  • Upon completion of both lists, sit back and reflect over your lists
  • You will be amazed at how obvious your decision will be when you take this approach

Making Decisions can be Daunting

Decisions are more difficult for certain personality types.  When you have the relevant facts collected for your personal circumstances, you will be amazed at how you knew what to do all along!

Do Not Rely on Others’ Opinions

Their views have value of course; but at the end of the day, your career is most important to you and no-one else.  Let it be you that decides the course of that career. Life is too short to leave your career decisions to somebody else!

Take Control

The most difficult part of trying to decide whether to change jobs is the mulling over it and the possible uncertainty of either option. By gathering the information and making an informed decision, you are taking control over your desired move. The move itself may take several months to secure but the relief you will feel after making your decision will give you the confidence to approach your job search with certainty and confidence.